Monday, August 10, 2009

It's DONE!

I am very pleased to announce the publication of the very first issue of Creativity Cafe from Magcloud publishers.

You can go here to see a preview:

Creativity Cafe Issue 1: Creativity Cafe

Do let me know what you think, and thanks, as always, for supporting creativity in the world.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

almost ready to birth our very first issue. . . .

well, the first issue is looking pretty awesome if I do say so.
I received such wonderful content from creative souls who believe in this work.

Teresa Stevens wrote an inspiring list of ways to stay creative, Lynda Skeen contributed two poems, Nancy Norbeck explores her own creative process as a writer, and I was able to highlight two phenomenal visionary artists, Leonie Allen of Canberra Australia, and Pamela Moss of Ithaca, New York.
And more!

I will do all the finals edits, and let you know when we go to press.

and do keep that content coming -- I appreciate your vision so very much.